Intrinsic Touch, Class #3: Trunk and Limbs

October 10-12, 2024

$375, 2.5 days

Santa Cruz, CA

Hybrid: in-person and online.

Thursday, October 10


Friday & Saturday, October 11 & 12

9am-1pm, 2:30-6:30pm

The class is divided into 5 4-hour segments.
During each segment we will engage in movement, discuss theory & techniques, and give and receive practice sessions.

Intrinsic Touch is a biodynamic approach to fascial release, combining the listening skills of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and indirect engagement techniques with the connective tissue.

Founded in a combination of scientific knowledge about connective tissue and age-old understandings about body healing, Intrinsic Touch can help with the resolution of chronic pain and traumatic patterns.

It is also useful for injury recovery, visceral work, craniosacral therapy, and stress reduction.

A common response in clients is a sense of well-being, wholeness, and relief.

This work integrates easily and beautifully with other modalities. Combined with BCST it gives us a way to meet our clients bodies when they are needing more contact and physical mirroring.

Bodywork experience required.

These classes may be taken in any order

Intrinsic Touch #2: Working with the Viscera

February 6-82025

Intrinsic Touch #1: Craniosacral Therapy

May 1-3, 2025

For future biodynamic craniosacral trainings

in the Santa Cruz area, please reach out to my co-teacher 

Vileena Purpuri RCST® 

Vileena Purpuri, RCST®, has been offering bodywork sessions for over 25 years. She began her study of craniosacral therapy in 1997 and received her approved teacher status in BCST in 2019. In addition, she has been a Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner since 2004. Having studied and assisted with many different teachers, and especially inspired through deepening in Stillness and the Heart, she is passionate to pass on what she has received. She looks to Mother Nature as one of her greatest teachers of this work and life.

This training still has openings!

The teaching team for our Santa Fe training

is mostly BIPOC and BIPOC scholarships are available.

For more information:

  1. Have More Questions?


Santa Cruz, CA
Graduated May 2024,

As far as I know, this will be my last Santa Cruz training.

Vileena Purpuri is now teaching in Santa Cruz.

See sidebar.

Spring 2025
New training beginning in Maine


Santa Fe, NM

with Ruti Wagaki

& Ahrie Shin

as teacher-trainees,

Arwen Millroy assisting

Presence and Pacing

Intro to BCST

Module 1:
May 16-19, 2024

Module 2:
New cohort begins

July 18-21, 2024

Module 3:

Sept. 12-15, 2024

Module 4:

Nov. 14-17, 2024

Module 5:

Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2025

Module 6:

March 6-9, 2025

Module 7:

May 15-18

Module 8:

July 17-20, 2025

Module 9:

Sept. 11-14, 2025

Module 10:

Nov. 13-16, 2025

Module 11:

Jan. 22-25, 2026
Module 12:

March 12-15, 2026
Module 13:

May 14-17, 2026

BCST  Foundation Training

Upcoming Classes!

The soul swims in the Cerebrospinal Fluid.    Dr. Stone

 ​Intrinsic Touch Institute


Are you ready for the next step in your personal and professional growth? Does a dynamic stillness call you? Would deeper presence and ability to “listen” be of benefit in your work and your life? Are you interested in learning the practical skills of Craniosacral Therapy?

In this two year training we will immerse ourselves in fluid dynamics in the body as the interface between the energetic and physical bodies, ever deepening practitioner skills of presence and pacing; physical, fluid, and energetic anatomy; embryology and pre-, peri-, & post-natal effects; interpersonal neurobiology; basic trauma resolution skills; and practical application of specific craniosacral holds. The two-year length of this training allows the student time to reclaim, learn, and integrate the personal and perceptual skills and shifts needed to foster healing at this depth and to master the large amount of cross-disciplinary material. 

The course is composed of 13 4-day modules, home study (reading, anatomy study, short written assignments), and practice hours for a total of 700 hours. Classroom time is a balance of experiential and instructional material, along with demonstrations and practice sessions. Upon completion of required coursework, and with instructor recommendation, you will be eligible to apply to the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America for the status of Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®).  






BCST Prerequisites: You do not need previous bodywork experience. This is a 2-year stand alone course designed to prepare you to be a practitioner. However, a certain amount of prerequisite anatomy study is required to graduate. If you are not already a practitioner with this training, speak with the instructor about how you can meet these requirements.